How Job Seekers Can Make Themselves More Attractive To Recruiting Agencies?

The recruiting industry, like the labor market, changes rapidly and unexpectedly. Employers and recruiters are finding it increasingly difficult to find and hire top talent as the workforce recovers from COVID-19 and unemployment rates continue to fall.

Focus on Your Personal Brand First

For some jobs, having a strong personal brand is absolutely necessary. Candidate online personas are highly sought after by recruiters. However, even the most well-intentioned job seekers may not be aware of the fact that their other social media pages could be a red flag for recruiters who may be reluctant to refer such candidates to their clients. The same could be said for employers, who may view such online behavior as immature or irresponsible and not in keeping with their values.

Focus Your Energy

The number of applicants for each open position can range from a few dozen to a few hundred. Only apply for positions for which you are qualified, and don't flood recruiters or employers with resumes for every position you can think of in an effort to catch their attention. Candidates who use this tactic risk having their names being associated with being perceived as always being unqualified. When looking for a job, job seekers should focus on positions that are relevant to their skills and experience and tailor their resumes for each position they apply to by incorporating relevant keywords from the job description and supporting numbers and accomplishments.

Show Your Expertise

To gain an advantage in the job market, job seekers should make use of the time they spend outside of work to spread the word about what they are learning and discovering. The more options a recruiter has to choose from, the more he or she is looking for something in a candidate's profile that sets them apart. These are the people who are more likely to get hired than those who are only interested in having fun online. Recruiters and potential employers want to know that job seeker have a healthy work-life balance, but that doesn't mean that everything they do online should be related to work.

Keep Up with the Times

As an IT recruitment agency, there are few things more frustrating than a potential hire who hasn't updated their contact information. According to how many qualified candidates are available, IT recruiters may take the time to look up a candidate's contact information online, or they may simply move on to the next candidate. It's possible that candidates with highly sought-after skills aren't concerned about missing out on an opportunity.

Carry On Your Education

A track record of lifelong learning is a surefire way for job seekers to impress recruiters and potential employers. When it comes to hiring, employers look for candidates who are eager to learn new skills and expand their knowledge base. Those in high-stress jobs may have a harder time with this. When competing with many other qualified job seekers, taking classes or working toward certification can give job seekers an edge they need to break up the monotony of a full-time search.


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